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Advertise with us! If you'd like to place an ad in the Fair program booklet, please see the price list below, then submit your ad to programads@hardeecountyfair.org. All ads are Due by January 13, 2020. Ads may be paid at the City of Wauchula office.

All ads will be in FULL COLOR.
Full Page $225
Half Page $150
Quarter Page $90

the number of pages in the Fair Program will be limited. Spaces are available on a first come first served basis. Your ad will not be reserved until payment, text and photos are received.

Submitting Your Ad

Completed ads must be submitted in .PDF format via email to programads@hardeecountyfair.org

Photos must be submitted in .JPG format and text must be submitted via email to programads@hardeecountyfair.org
In the subject line of your email, include the contestant’s first and last name, pageant name and contestant number (Example: Jane Doe – Miss Hardee County – #5) if applicable or include the exhibitor's first and last name and livestock category (Example: Billy Smith - Steer).

Once submitted, you should receive an auto-reply message indicating that your ad was received. If you do not receive an email within an hour of sending your ad, please contact Sheena (863) 245-1273 or Shannyn (863) 781-7873.
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Full Page Sample

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